Saturday, July 27, 2024
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The Amazon Company, which is the most popular e-commerce company, found itself in the rage of the Indian citizens, especially the netizens. They were criticized and slammed for using the national flag spots to wrap around their products. These products include T-shirts, key chains, and mugs. The netizens said that the company disrespected the Indian country’s flag code of colors, which says that no corporation or individual is allowed to use the colors and customs that directly relate to the structure of the flag. 

The netizens further wanted to ensure that they boycott the company’s products by saying that the famous e-commerce company, Amazon, is disrespecting them. As part of their campaign to make Amazon feel like a pinch of salt, they even created the Twitter #BoycottAmazon. The pictures of T-shirts, napkins, , and key chains were circulated on social platforms as they went viral. This might have been a big backward shot for the Amazon.

Amazon was expected to say something about their action, and they proceeded to say that their mandate, as per their rules, was that the company should not accept the collaboration of their retailers and clients with third parties. That they should be held accountable for their actions. This response was not taken lightly by the netizens as this was not the first time they had slammed the great nation of India.

This comes on the verge of the country’s celebrating its national event, Indian National Day. One of the citizens was quoted saying, “Amazon allows third-party sellers to get on its platform, and all these products do not belong to the company. However, it can be more careful while allowing certain products. But it looks like it just does not want to learn from previous mistakes, “Rashmi Krishna said. The other one said that “sold on E-commerce Amazon, the Tricolor is the symbol of the nation. If the rules are violated, it is an offense and can be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term that may extend to three years, or with a fine, or both of them. Ganesh Dhuri.

This is not the first time the Amazon Company has done this. In the past, the United States-based Amazon office sold shoes with the Tricolor of the Indian national flag. With the doormats on the Canadian website resembling the Tri-color of the national flag of India,

The government of India has urged the e-commerce company, Amazon, to make sure that they always respect the country’s heritage and told them that it might affect the feelings and reactions of the many loyal citizens of the Indian nation. In that first scenario, the Indian Vice President of the e-commerce company apologized to the government of India and its people, and they later had to drop the products from their website as a sign of respect to the national flag of India. Every organization should respect and be proud of the specific country’s rules and constitutional rights.

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