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Off-page SEO techniques are crucial to enhancing your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). They refer to actions taken outside of your website that could affect its popularity, such as backlinking, social media marketing and guest blogging. With the ever-changing technology landscape and competitive online space, you need to stay up-to-date with off-page SEO tactics that will be relevant in 2023.

We have compiled an extensive list of the top 20 must-know off-page SEO techniques for 2023 that guarantee a higher search engine ranking for your website and, ultimately, more traffic. This guide breaks down each technique into clear steps so you can easily apply them on your site or hire an expert to handle them.

If you want to leverage these tactics effectively to improve your web page visibility and SERP rankings, keep scrolling!

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing a website for the crawling and indexing abilities of search engines. It involves improving factors such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, structured data, and page structure to ensure that search engines can easily crawl and understand your website’s content.

Technical SEO also includes optimizing the server configuration, code efficiency, security protocols, and URL structure to improve visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Improving technical SEO can help increase organic traffic by ensuring that all important pages are being crawled correctly while preventing any errors that could hurt rankings. Technical SEO is crucial since it ensures proper indexing, without which users will not be able to find your site when using Google or other search engines.

Some examples of technical SEO tasks include making sure there are no broken links or redirects in place; verifying XML sitemap implementation; checking whether canonical tags have been set up correctly; ensuring images are properly sized with alt tags added for accessibility purposes.

All these efforts work together to help achieve greater visibility through best practices and on-site optimization techniques – providing real business value in terms of visitor acquisition and conversion rate improvement.

What is On-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO refers to optimizing individual web pages to rank higher in search engines and earn more organic traffic. It involves creating high-quality content that is relevant, informative, and easy to read for the users.

On-Page SEO also focuses on optimizing meta tags like title tags, description tags, header tags including H1, H2, etc., internal links and URL structure, as well as keyword usage throughout the page to signal relevance to search engines.

By implementing these techniques correctly, businesses can ensure their website has proper structure and meets all of Google’s ranking factors, resulting in improved visibility and higher rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

What is Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO refers to the actions taken outside of a website to increase its visibility and ranking in search engine results. This includes building backlinks, social media marketing, and online directory listings. These activities involve promoting content on other websites to direct traffic to your website.

The more high-quality links pointing towards your site, the better it will rank in search engines. Off-page SEO can be time-consuming but is essential for any business looking to establish its online presence and drive organic traffic to its website.

Top 20 Off-Page SEO Techniques To Increase Ranking with Examples

We have brought the following off-page SEO methods that have been tried and tested. They can be applied to any field in order to boost website rank and domain authority.

S No Off-Page SEO Techniques  Process Link Value
1 Creating Shareable Content Difficult Great
2 Influencer Outreach Moderate Great
3 Contribute as Guest Author Moderate Great
4 Broken Link Building Moderate Great
5 Local Citation Easy Great
6 Convert Brand Mention Easy Great
7 Strong Internal Linking Easy Good
8  Social Media Engagement Easy Good
9 Social Bookmarking Sites Easy Easy Average
10   Forum Submission Easy Average
11 Blog Directory Submission Easy Average
12 Article Submission Easy Average
13 Question and Answer Easy Average
14 Video Submission Easy Average
15 Image Submission Easy Average
16 Infographics Submission Easy Average
17  Document Sharing Easy Average
18  Press Release Moderate   Good
19 Web2.0 Submission Moderate Good
20 Use Google My Business Easy Great

1.Creating Shareable Content: Generating unique and engaging content that people want to share across social media platforms, blogs, and other websites.

2.Influencer Outreach: Reach out to individuals with a large online following in your industry or niche to promote your brand, products, or services.

3.Contribute as Guest Author: Write guest posts for reputable publications in your industry or niche to gain exposure for your brand and establish yourself as an expert in the field.

4.Broken Link Building: Identifying broken links on relevant websites and contacting site owners with replacement link suggestions that point back to your site.

5.Local Citation: List your business’s name, address, and phone number on various local directories such as Yelp and Google My Business. It helps improve local website traffic by improving the search engine visibility of businesses within the area

6.Convert Brand Mention: Tracking unlinked mention of your brand name with intents like tagging/commenting/reply-to tweets/posts so that users are informed directly about it being turned into a valuable link-building opportunity.

Below are the websites which help you to find the unlinked brand mention.

S No Tools Price
1 Brandwatch (Formerly Free/ Trial Available
2 Brand24 Free/ Trial Available
3 BrandMentions Free/ Trial Available
4 Talkwalker Free/ Trial Available
5 Keyhole Free/ Trial Available
6 Mention Free/ Trial Available
7 Sendible Free/ Trial Available
8 Hootsuite Free/ Trial Available
9 YouScan Free/ Trial Available
10 Sprout Social Free/ Trial Available

1.Strong Internal Linking:

Connecting pages within a single domain through internal links improve search engines’ ability to understand web structures/content/topics while promoting a healthy click-through rate around the website.

2.Social Media Engagement:

This involves creating and sharing content on various social media platforms to increase website traffic and improve visibility.

Top Social Networking Sites

S No Social Networking Sites DA PA
1 98 99
2 96 100
3 96 100
4 94 96
5 93 100
6 91 74
7 91 90
8 85 100
9 90 71
10 78 61


  1. Social Bookmarking Sites: These types of sites allow users to save links to web pages they want to visit in the future, increasing backlinks and improving rankings.

Popular and High DA Bookmarking Websites

S No Social Bookmarking Sites DA PA
1 93 81
2 91 75
3 91 90
4 89 69
5 85 100
6 88 70
7 87 71
8 86 71
9 62 68
10 83 72


  1. Forum Submission: This helps promote your business by actively participating in online forums related to your industry or niche.

List of High DA Forums

S No Forum Submission Sites DA PA
1 92 72
2 93 61
3 62 54
4 84 69
5 82 53


  1. Blog Directory Submission: This involves submitting a blog’s URL and other relevant information to directories specialized in showcasing blogs for increased exposure.

Free Directory Submission List

S No Blog Directory Submission Sites DA PA
1 64 40
2 53 46
3 36 49
4 35 53
5 34 54


  1. Article Submission: This refers to writing informative articles on topics about your business and publishing them online, thereby gaining backlinks that improve search engine rankings for your website.

Free Article Submission sites

S No Article Submission Sites DA PA
1 91 70
2 87 72
3 76 65
4 76 60
5 43 52


  1. Question and Answer: Various sites like Quora allow businesses to demonstrate their expertise while offering helpful information similar to questions its audiences are interested in knowing more about.

Question and Answer Websites

S No Question and Answer Sites DA PA
1 93 77
2 92 72
3 92 73
4 65 51
5 63 58


  1. Video Submission: By making video submissions, you can create visually engaging content optimized with keywords aimed at driving traffic from search engines as well as video hosting platforms such as YouTube.


Video Sharing Sites

S No Video Submission Sites DA PA
1 99 100
2 97 96
3 96 67
4 90 71
5 88 76


  1. Image submission: It will help you gain high-quality backlinks by optimizing images used throughout your website with Alt tags accompanied by necessary descriptions of what is shown through the image.

High DA Image Sharing Sites

S No Image Submission Sites DA PA
1 94 79
2 94 82
3 93 100
4 92 95
5 92 82


  1. Infographic submission: It involves promoting visual graphics containing useful information about your website or business and sharing them on relevant platforms to attract backlinks.

Infographics Submission Sites

S No Infographics Submission Sites DA PA
1 91 69
2 78 70
3 55 52
4 47 47
5 45 50

Document sharing:

 This method is about distributing engaging documents such as PDFs or Word files, containing helpful insights regarding your niche sector, which can be uploaded onto doc-sharing sites to create brand awareness and entice traffic.

Document Sharing Sites

S No Document Sharing Websites DA PA
1 95 85
2 94 82
3 94 80
4 93 73
5 92 64

1. Press release:

 It refers to a written announcement released by a company highlighting any newly launched product/service or achievement. This PR serves as quality content for other websites linking back to yours.

Press Release Websites

S No Press Release Websites DA PA
1 92 74
2 82 67
3 62 56
4 46 48
5 39 43

19.Web 2.0 submission: This technique is about creating free microsites/blogs with user-generated content to generate high-quality backlinks from external web pages and direct traffic towards the main site.

20.Use Google My Business: Use Google’s business listing platform, Google My Business, which allows businesses/brands/websites greater visibility on Google search engine results pages (SERP.) It lets users find detailed information effortlessly, like location, hours of operation, etc.

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